Question: I want to know what qualifies someone to be a guru?

Question: I want to know what qualifies someone to be a guru?

Question: I want to know what qualifies someone to be a guru? And, what makes you do the work you do?
Shri Mataji: Oh, because I love it! It’s so beautiful to see people getting their Realization. You will also do the same once you get it, it’s so beautiful. The most beautiful thing is to give Realization to someone and so joyous because if you are selfish, if you are low type of a person then you feel funny about yourself, but if you are benevolent you feel so happy about the whole thing, you enjoy your benevolence, you enjoy your virtues. Just start enjoying and that’s only possible after Realization, then you just do it, I know why am I doing it, what should I do otherwise? I mean what I’m saying that supposing somebody else can do this I would like to retire myself but it’s difficult to get someone like that. I’m sorry to say. Can you do it madam for my sake? You can’t that’s the point.

I’ve been trying for, now I’m sixty-seven years of age. I wish somebody could take my place but doesn’t work that way. But in any case when you get your Realization at least try to give Realization to some people and you can do it, not difficult. But not at my level, that’s the point is, once you come to my level, I’ll be very happy to retire. [AUDIENCE LAUGHS]