Question: How do you balance one’s problems?
Shri Mataji: Yeah, I’ll tell you now what is the problem is, now if you see it clearly [SHRI MATAJI POINTS TO THE CHAKRA CHART] there are three lines you see them, okay? These are the three channels we have of autonomous nervous system.

The two channels the one is the left and another is the right and the central one is the parasympathetic nervous system and these two are left and right sympathetic nervous system so before Realization whatever we do we can only go to the left or to the right with our effort, for example, now supposing, you want to increase the rate of your heart, you have to run, if you run rate will increase, but you cannot decrease, automatically it happens through the parasympathetic nervous system, so whatever you try like this any this psychotherapy, this therapy, that therapy, you are putting in your effort, isn’t it?
But here you get connected with that power which sooths you down, which looks after you, which works it out by itself, and if you really know how to keep your connection all right you don’t have to worry.
So this is.. you don’t have to retain a doctor, you don’t have to go to a psychiatrist, nothing of the kind, automatically you are looked after, because now you are connected, but before this you have to put in an effort, this is effortless.