Question: …you refer to the Kundalini as ‘she’, is that because you are a woman?

Question: In your discourse you refer to the Kundalini as ‘she’, is that because you are a woman? Shri Mataji: No, no, ‘she’ is the female side. See ‘she’s’ the shakti, ‘she’s’ the female side. That’s why the quarrel about women and men is all falsehood. There’s nothing like that, they exist together. Is like the moon and the moonlight. Is like the sun and sunlight. Is like the God and the Kundalini. Is like …

Question: What is there that you wish to share that has not been said this evening?

Interviewer: We are about at the end of the (radio) interview and what I want to do now, Mother, is give you a chance to say what’s in your heart to say. What is there that You wish to share that has not been said this evening? Shri Mataji: I have to say that America is a great country in the universe. It has the place of the Vishuddhi Chakra, which is the center of responsibility …