QUESTION: When we get angry, is our anger just our tendency to react like this?

SHRI MATAJI:  You see, if you get angry within yourself, and if you are sure that you are not doing anything wrong, for a Sahaja Yogi there is no need to say “outside you are angry.” There’s no need. That anger itself is a power. And you should do your bandhan and anything that you want to do. But you should not show that you’re angry. You should be absolutely silent, because you can be, …

Question: Do we have to change our lifestyle in Sahaja Yoga?

Question: Do we have to change our lifestyle in Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji: No, not the lifestyle, you see when you do what is needed for you, what is good for you , nobody has to change dresses or anything it’s nothing outside. But supposing you see now if I tell somebody now don’t wear such tight dresses, nobody would listen, because they will wear varicose veins and this all had happened. Then now they’re …

You must pray,…

You must pray, to God and ask, what you want. Ask for “complete satisfaction in my heart, joy in my heart, bliss in my heart, so that the whole world becomes blissful. Give me love, love that I could… love the whole world and that the whole world becomes one in love. Give salvation to this… humanity. Which is suffering. Take me to your feet. Cleanse me with… with thy love.” Now see if there …

Question: Shri Mataji… Now what said Buddha, for instance?

Interviewer: Now what said Buddha, for instance? He was talking about the way which is soft in the beginning, soft in the middle and soft in the end. Shri Mataji: Yes, He did, but Buddha’s times are over now. We have passed through that also. Those times are over now. Buddha had, you see – because Buddha Himself was so surprised later on that if you talk about God, you see, people just start thinking …

Question: What are vibrations?

Shri Mataji: Vibrations are the feeling of the all pervading divine power within yourself on your Central nervous system. You can feel this divine power for the first time after self realization on your central nervous system ending up into your fingertips where the sympathetic centers are located. So you start feeling on your hand the universal language which is spoken by the hand the different centers. And thus you know a rapport is established …

Question: Mother, is it a symbol of your photograph that gives vibrations?

Question: Mother, is it a symbol of your photograph that gives vibrations? Shri Mataji: It’s true. My photograph luckily has some sort of a coefficience that it emits vibrations. I mean, I would like anybody else’s photograph if it does, because it’s a good idea; but I don’t think there’s anyone like that, because none of the incarnations and none of the saints were photographed. It’s very surprising, nobody was photographed. At the most, and …

Question: How did you begin this Sahaja Yoga meditation, how were you initiated in this group?

(Public Lecture, Brisbane 5th May, 1987) Shri Mataji: I was not initiated. I had this from my very childhood. You see I know you would like to know about me, but it’s better first you know yourself. Then you will know about me better. All right?

Question: What happens to a man if he is a realized soul?

Question – What happens to a man if he is a realized soul? Shri Mataji: Now that is – I have been telling you what happens to a man he is a realized soul that his ego and super ego are sucked in and he gets a dent in the fontanel bone area, and the Kundalini shoots off, and he can feel the Cool Breeze coming out of his head, and he can feel it …

Question: Shri Mataji, don’t you know many people that want more of yoga than yoga can give?

Interviewer: Shri Mataji, don’t you know many people that want more of yoga than yoga can give. Shri Mataji: You see, yoga is a big misnomer in the West, people don’t know what this yoga is. Because even if you read Patanjali, it is said that you have to get to your Self–Realization and then how to grow in your Self–Realization. Once you start growing in your Self–Realization, you develop such a personality that you see …

Question: …it is hard for me to reconcile myself with the fact that there is not the slightest reference of Kundalini in the authoritative guides on yoga

Question – In spite of tremendous stress on Kundalini by Your Holiness, it is hard for me to reconcile myself with the fact that there is not the slightest reference of Kundalini in the authoritative guides on yoga – I mean Patangali’s Yoga Sutras or Gita. Why? Shri Mataji: Yes it is surprising that people will say … He says that in Yoga Sutras of Patangali it is not written about Kundalini and also about …

Question: Do you have to sit in any special posture while you are doing this (Sahaja Yoga meditation), or can it be done at any time and in any form?

(Public Lecture, Brisbane 5th May, 1987) Shri Mataji: No.  You see in this Sahaja Yoga you become the Spirit.  Then you don’t have to meditate much, about ten minutes or so is sufficient and there’s nothing much particular restriction or anything in it.  You can sit in any pose you like, there is no restriction of any kind.  Because you become the Spirit.  Only thing is you have to get into thoughtless awareness, that’s the first …

Question: Is God reflected within us? How can man be one with God?

  Question: God and Spirit.. Is God reflected within us? How can man be one with God? Shri Mataji: God and Spirit. Is correct. That’s correct. Very correct. God Almighty is reflected in your heart as Spirit. But without this connection you cannot feel that Spirit. Because I have not talked about the Spirit that’s why you must be thinking, but at the very outset, I said “You have to be the Spirit, first thing.” …