Question: How can you compartmentalize?

Question – How can you compartmentalize? What happens when a person is a realized soul? What is the state? When he is a realized soul, what happens to a man? Shri Mataji: See, the first thing is to say that “how can we compartmentalize it?” because is the ego and super ego is on two sides. Actually, have you not noticed in our body, everything is a compartment. You see even a cell is a …

Question: Shri Mataji… How much are you influenced by Christian ideas?

Interviewer: How much are you, I mean, I said my last question half an hour before. (Laughter) How much are you influenced by Christian ideas? Shri Mataji: You mean Christianity or Christ? Interviewer: Yes. I don’t know – define it, I mean, whatever is important for You. Shri Mataji: Christ is very much there, no doubt, but Christianity I don’t know, it’s like all other religions, it has diverted. There was a book recently which …

Question: Could you mention how to lose body consciousness?

Q: Could you mention how to lose body consciousness? SHRI MATAJI: Now all these words have absolutely has no meaning. Body consciousness this thing, that thing. You see it is said that you should not be conscious of your body. You should be conscious of your body as a human being, there’s nothing wrong. But once you get your realization, you become conscious of your subtle body, which is within you, so you can easily …

QUESTION: Shri Mataji, could You say something about maintaining our attention so that it stays where it should.

SHRI MATAJI:  He has asked a very practical question it’s true that “to keep the attention where it should be.” You see, for everything you have to do some exercise – abbhyas – not before Realization, after Realization. The best way is to learn how to watch yourself. Just now, sitting here, just put yourself into a position from where you watch yourself. “Now what am I doing?” This is the abbhyas, this is the study. …

Question: Is Kundalini a very, very intensive energy?

Interviewer: Is Kundalini a very, very intensive energy? Shri Mataji: It is the energy of pure desire. It is an energy of pure desire within you. All other desires are impure, because no desire makes you satisfied. So this is an energy of pure desire within you. It is waiting all the time for your rebirth. And it has to be awakened by a person authorized by the Divine, not by any church, by any …

Question: What would be the effect of increasing number of Sahaja Yogis on the economic system…?

Question: What would be the effect of increasing number of Sahaja Yogis on the economic system and the lifestyle of the country where the increase of Sahaja Yogis takes place? Shri Mataji: Oh, it just triggers everything. For example, now what are our problems? We see the economic problems of this country is. I have understood it so well that we have so much of a, say, ores and all other things like silver we …

QUESTION: How do we fight the ego (and superego)?

SHRI MATAJI: How do we fight the ego. See, you should never fight ego. If you try to fight it, it will sit more on your head. That’s not the way to fight it. That there is ego, and you fight your ego, “Oh I am going to box you”, then it will grow more, you see. The more you box it, the more it will grow. Never fight your ego. Only way is to …

Question: Am I correct that what you’re saying is that God and man are one?

Question: Am I correct that what you’re saying is that God and man are one and you are just trying to reconnect us with God, and for that one cannot pay, or be nonsensical, they just have to have a clear and open mind.. Shri Mataji: Yeah, that’s it. That’s it. Question: That’s all? Shri Mataji: That’s it’s. She’s understood me very well I must say. That’s it. That’s it. Just what you need an …

Question: What is the reason for having dreams?

Audience member from public lecture: What is the reason for having dreams? Shri Mataji: The reason for dreams is that when you are sleeping your attention moves either to the supraconscious side or to the subconscious side, your attention starts moving. And then you start seeing things which are connected with your subconscious or your collective subconscious and all this thing. And you may go onto supraconscious side where you see your future and all …

Question: What you’ve described is a dynamic process. …

Q: There’s one school of thought that describes enlightenment as a static process. What you’ve described is a dynamic process. Shri Mataji: Yes. It is not static. How can that be? It’s a living process. You see, you become collectively conscious, you become that. You see, you become really dynamic because your awareness has a new dimension. You become collectively conscious. You start feeling another personality; you start feeling your self; you start getting the …

Question: Shri Mataji, what is your tradition. I mean the tradition of Sahaja Yoga,

Interviewer: What is your tradition. I mean the tradition of Sahaja Yoga, since when does it exist as an idea? Shri Mataji: I think from times immemorial, because this is the only way you can raise Kundalini, by a Realized Soul. But used to be only once – one person, maybe two persons maybe. Like we can say the Tree of Life had one or two flowers to begin with. But today is a Blossomtime. That’s …

Question: How do you discriminate a false guru and a genuine Guru?

Interviewer: I did read in the Press Communiqué that one of your topics is the topic of Guru, of gurus. Gurus, false gurus. Now what are they? How do you discriminate a false guru and a genuine Guru? Shri Mataji: Yes, I’ve been talking against them since I think, 1970 very openly, even naming them. It’s very easy to make them out, you see, they are out for money. It’s the shopping. And they are …