Question: …on what is called New Age

Question: …on what is called New Age

Interviewer: I am working on an issue on what is called New Age.
Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. Now this New Age people, I have read about them, because they came to this place called as Mind and Body Exhibition in London. They invited Me also, but I didn’t go. Because you see that’s also a money-oriented business. And I don’t want to go this mind and thing where there is money business is going on in the name of God or in the name of Spirit or in the name of Evolution. So we didn’t go there. They are talking of clearing the chakras. You cannot clear chakras with effort, as I told you. Your Kundalini has to be awakened, and can be awakened only by a Realized soul who is authorized to do it. Otherwise Kundalini cannot be awakened. So basically the mistake lies that you cannot manoeuvre with your hands, if you try anything, even like acupuncture, if you try anything, then you develop imbalances within yourself.

Interviewer: And yoga tradition is different to this?
Shri Mataji: Yes, yoga tradition also we use, but according to the problems of our centers. Supposing now we have a problem here, and we start doing some exercises of the stomach. What’s the use? So we should know where is the problem. See, we have to be very alert about it to find out where is the problem.

Interviewer: But don’t you think that problem is everywhere? I mean, if you have seven Chakras then there you have seven problem areas? (Laughter)
Shri Mataji: No, areas are limited in certain people. It‘s not all the problems, then person won’t exist (Shri Mataji lauging) if all the chakras are caught up. It’s like taking all the medicines – Hatha Yoga, modern Hatha Yoga is like this. That you take all the medicines, all the drugs, (Shri Mataji laughing) whether you need it or not. That can be very dangerous. Specially I have seen people who do Hatha Yoga have a problem on the heart and also become very dry people, mostly they have emotional problems and also they have divorces. It’s very common, because they become very dry. Lot of, you see, imbalances coming.

Interviewer: I see what you mean, yeah.
Shri Mataji: They are not integrated people. It’s not only physical being that you live for. You live for your Spiritual being. Physical being is looked after by the Spiritual being later on once you are a Realized Soul. You don’t go to doctors after that. And so many diseases get cured automatically. So many people give up all their bad habits, like drugs, this that – automatically. I don’t have to do anything. It’s your own Kundalini, it’s your own power, it’s everything your own. Once you are awakened, you become your own guru. You don’t need a Guru either.