Question: Shri Mataji, who do you consider to be the right person for yoga (Self-Realization)?

Interviewer: Who do you consider to be the right person for yoga (Self-Realization)? Is there a group of people that’s easier to be caught by yoga or is it for everybody, or is it a question of the personal education of the mind? Shri Mataji: No, education is not at all required. The simpler you are, the better it is. Sometimes education can be a barrier, because you see you miss the point, as I …

Question: Shri Mataji, would you say a few words about the golden age? The forthcoming golden age?

Question: Shri Mataji, would you say a few words about the golden age? The forthcoming golden age? Shri Mataji: You see, Aquarius, as they say, Aquarius according to our astrology is the Kundalini. The Kundalini is Aquarius according to Indian, I should say, Indian science of Astrology. And, you see, they, what they say that this age of Aquarius is very important, because this will change the lives of people. And that is what they …

Question: And what is this technique (Sahaja Yoga Self-Realiszation) about?

Interviewer: And what is this technique (Sahaja Yoga Self-Realiszation) about? Shri Mataji: It’s a very – depending on a person. Now see, we will take your case for example. (Shri Mataji laughing) You are a very busy person, one thing. Interviewer (laughing): How do you know? Shri Mataji: and you are very futuristic Interviewer: Yes. Shri Mataji: and you plan a lot, you think a lot. Such a person we call as a right-sided person. …

Question: What is the importance of receiving Self Realization?

Shri Mataji: In the evolutionary process a human being has come out of a small little unicellular animal called Amoeba as they say in the science. But what is the purpose of this becoming a human being? The purpose of his becoming a human being is that he has to become the spirit. This vehicle of a human body, mind, is to express the spirit within you. Self realization is the epitome of our evolution. …

Question: Shri Mataji, don’t you know many people that want more of yoga than yoga can give?

Interviewer: Shri Mataji, don’t you know many people that want more of yoga than yoga can give. Shri Mataji: You see, yoga is a big misnomer in the West, people don’t know what this yoga is. Because even if you read Patanjali, it is said that you have to get to your Self–Realization and then how to grow in your Self–Realization. Once you start growing in your Self–Realization, you develop such a personality that you see …

Question: Mother, what does it mean to open the last center?

(From Radio Interview 1983 Oct 01, Santa Cruz USA) Interviewer: What does it mean to open the last center (the Sahasrara chakra)? Shri Mataji: The Sahasrara. Last center is the center which is the limbic area where is the seat of all the seven centers. It’s all integration there. So far, everybody who has come – like, Christ has come on this center what you call the Agnya Chakra. Or, Krishna has come on this …

Question: Shri Mother, what is the true nature of death?…

Interviewer: Mother, what is the true nature of death? Is it possible that you can choose not to die? What’s the purpose of death? Shri Mataji: See, death is just like changing your clothes. So sometimes when you use too much of your clothes you get tired. You want to change it. Like that death is. Nobody dies, there’s nothing that dies except that the part that is the Mother Earth and the part that …

Question: Mother, can you describe what You mean by “Service and sacrifice are a myth, or is a myth.”

Interviewer: Mother, this afternoon You said something very interesting in response to a question by a woman. And, the response that You gave was, “Service and sacrifice are a myth, or is a myth.” Can you describe what You meant by that? Shri Mataji: Yah. You see, when I said that, when you become a saint, in the sense when you become a realized soul, you find that you are collectively conscious. Then what happens …

Question: Do you leave the present plane of consciousness, just by getting to the Realisation (through Sahaja Yoga)….

(Public Lecture, Brisbane 5th May, 1987) Question: Do you leave the present plane of consciousness, just by getting to the Realisation (through Sahaja Yoga). I have come here to learn but it shouldn’t happen that you lose your present plane of consciousness. Shri Mataji: No you don’t lose it. No, no nothing like that happens. Actually, what happens that you get an additional new awareness within yourself. You are very much there. Very much alert. …

Question: Shri Mother, what are we doing here? What is the purpose of life on earth? What are human beings walking around on this planet for?

(From Radio Interview 1983 Oct 01, Santa Cruz USA) Interviewer: Shri Mataji, what are we doing here? What is the purpose of life on earth? What are human beings walking around on this planet for? Shri Mataji: You are specially made by God. You are specially chosen by God to be human beings and you are here with a very great purpose. The first purpose of God is that you should become the vehicle of …

Question: Shri Mataji, what are Your views on evolving matter…?

Interviewer: Many of us have heard discussions or read in books about the evolution of matter, the evolution of substance. What are Your views on evolving matter and how does this relate to our own physical matter in our bodies, in our cells? Shri Mataji: For the matter did go into evolution, you know that, and when the carbon was established, actually our first Chakra was established. That’s carbon which is tetravalent and carbon is …