Question: Youth in Western Europe, in America are looking for a destination or for a destiny…

Interviewer: Youth in Western Europe, in America are looking for a destination or for a destiny, not for a destiny, but they ask… Shri Mataji: Seeking for the beyond, yeah. Interviewer: So doesn’t this also mean that Western philosophy doesn’t offer a proper way for the beyond, for the way there, as more and more get in some case included in Eastern philosophy, if we say in general yoga is Eastern philosophy. Do you see that …

Question: Shri Mataji, who do you consider to be the right person for yoga (Self-Realization)?

Interviewer: Who do you consider to be the right person for yoga (Self-Realization)? Is there a group of people that’s easier to be caught by yoga or is it for everybody, or is it a question of the personal education of the mind? Shri Mataji: No, education is not at all required. The simpler you are, the better it is. Sometimes education can be a barrier, because you see you miss the point, as I …

Question: Shri Mataji, when did you start to create your theory, your yoga?

Interviewer: So can you give me some not private details on your family’s life. I read as well in your bio, that now your daughters are married, and then you started to do what you are doing nowadays. So did you influence them as they were kids? Or when did you start to create your theory, your yoga? Shri Mataji: No, I was quite aware of it from My very childhood. And I took My …

Question: I don’t understand too much about that subject (yoga and meditation)

Interviewer: I don’t understand too much about that subject (yoga and meditation)  that You as a lady are the teacher, not only the teacher, the founder of a yoga–theory. Is this in common in India, that also women do it? I read that You say that it all comes from Mother Nature and therefore are there many women that were teachers in the case You are, or are You in this sense of course a …

Question: Shri Mataji, don’t you know many people that want more of yoga than yoga can give?

Interviewer: Shri Mataji, don’t you know many people that want more of yoga than yoga can give. Shri Mataji: You see, yoga is a big misnomer in the West, people don’t know what this yoga is. Because even if you read Patanjali, it is said that you have to get to your Self–Realization and then how to grow in your Self–Realization. Once you start growing in your Self–Realization, you develop such a personality that you see …