Interviewer: So is this Kundalini the same like Atman?
Shri Mataji: No, Atma is Spirit in the heart. Now I’ll tell you from the another side, so you will understand. See, we can say that God Almighty is reflected within your heart as Atma, all right? And the Kundalini is the power of God. She is desire that we all should get our Realization. She is reflected in you as Kundalini, as the Holy Ghost. So this Kundalini has to rise and meet the Atma, because though it is in the heart, the seat of Atma is here in the center, here in the fontanel bone area. That’s why She has to rise and touch it, so the connection is established.
Interviewer: For me it was unclear, because it is said that the Atman is the one which is inside you and always is awaiting that you discover it.
Shri Mataji: Yes that’s the way.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Shri Mataji: Now, I would give an analogy. In modern times we have lots of analogies. You can see in a gas, you see. Now the gas is the energy. For example. Let’s see the Kundalini is the energy, and there is a little light flickering. When this gas meets that light your attention becomes enlightened. Just an analogy up to a point you should see it.
Interviewer: I see an explosion happening when gas meets the light. This is exactly my question.
Shri Mataji: No, there is no explosion, no explosion, because they understand, they know. Actually you will be surprised how beautifully She works. How She comes into you. Like somebody has an obstruction on the Nabhi chakra. You’ll be surprised She pulsates, even in the triangular bone, just like a heart. And She suggests to you that this is the problem, now try to correct. Any problem She suggests, and She is so beautiful, the way She handles so gently your personality, She never wants to harm you in any way, if there’s too much obstruction She goes down.
Interviewer: You mean it’s a force that wants equilibrium?
Shri Mataji: Yes, you have to have balance, you have to have equilibrium. If the balance is upside down, if there is any obstruction because of that imbalances, She suggests, She tells you.