Question: Are there any mantras?

Shri Mataji: Yes there are, there are mantras which are according to the centers, which are in trouble. For example, this is the center between the optic chiasma, is the center of Christ. So now, if the Kundalini has stopped at that point, then you have to take His name, and it opens up. But you have to be a Realized soul first of all. You must have the authority. Then it opens out that …

Question: Shri Mataji… Now what said Buddha, for instance?

Interviewer: Now what said Buddha, for instance? He was talking about the way which is soft in the beginning, soft in the middle and soft in the end. Shri Mataji: Yes, He did, but Buddha’s times are over now. We have passed through that also. Those times are over now. Buddha had, you see – because Buddha Himself was so surprised later on that if you talk about God, you see, people just start thinking …

Question: …is one of the signs of New Age that you are travelling around?

Interviewer: So would you see it as, I mean to come back to the question of the New Age, is one of the signs of New Age that you are travelling around? Shri Mataji: Nothing, this is the New Age I have started. You see, we had a very great artist from India who came here, he is a shennai player. He is a Muslim gentleman. He said, “These are all [Khalists ?], these are …

Question: Is this Kundalini the same like Atman?

Interviewer: So is this Kundalini the same like Atman? Shri Mataji: No, Atma is Spirit in the heart. Now I’ll tell you from the another side, so you will understand. See, we can say that God Almighty is reflected within your heart as Atma, all right? And the Kundalini is the power of God. She is desire that we all should get our Realization. She is reflected in you as Kundalini, as the Holy Ghost. So this Kundalini …

Question: Shri Mataji, would you say that every person being interested in Sahaja Yoga is mature to get this Realization from You?

Interviewer: Okay, now would you say that every person being interested in Sahaja Yoga is mature to get this Realization from You? Shri Mataji: Not necessary. He can give Realization. He can give it, they are all doing it, not Me. In the beginning I gave it to some. And now they are doing it. It’s like one light which is enlightened can enlighten many. But to begin with it was Me, all right. (Shri …