‘108 Questions’ Book By Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The ‘One Hundred and Eight Questions’ Book is a compilation of questions directed to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi with Her responses. A selection of those questions are included on this website. At public programs, informal gatherings and media interviews, Shri Mataji often invited questions – from Sahaja Yogis, seekers, journalists. She satisfied our curiosity, our concerns. And calmed our confusions. Some those 108 of those questions, some naive, some misguided, but mostly insightful, rich and relevant have been included on this website. Each one is answered with love and patience.

Question: Youth in Western Europe, in America are looking for a destination or for a destiny…

Interviewer: Youth in Western Europe, in America are looking for a destination or for a destiny, not for a destiny, but they ask… Shri Mataji: Seeking for the beyond, yeah. Interviewer: So doesn’t this also mean that Western philosophy doesn’t offer a proper way for the beyond, for the way there, as more and more get in some case included in Eastern philosophy, if we say in general yoga is Eastern philosophy. Do you see that …

Question: Shri Mataji, who do you consider to be the right person for yoga (Self-Realization)?

Interviewer: Who do you consider to be the right person for yoga (Self-Realization)? Is there a group of people that’s easier to be caught by yoga or is it for everybody, or is it a question of the personal education of the mind? Shri Mataji: No, education is not at all required. The simpler you are, the better it is. Sometimes education can be a barrier, because you see you miss the point, as I …

Question: Shri Mataji, when did you start to create your theory, your yoga?

Interviewer: So can you give me some not private details on your family’s life. I read as well in your bio, that now your daughters are married, and then you started to do what you are doing nowadays. So did you influence them as they were kids? Or when did you start to create your theory, your yoga? Shri Mataji: No, I was quite aware of it from My very childhood. And I took My …

Question: Can you provide the definition of enlightenment?

Question: What do you give, provide the definition of enlightenment? Shri Mataji: Enlightened means a personality, enlightened personality, I can tell you, is a person who is beyond his mind. And he is in contact completely with this all-pervading power of divine love. As a result everything in that person is guided, helped by that divine love. That power is so great that it looks after you, it organizes everything, it thinks, it understands, it …

Question: I don’t understand too much about that subject (yoga and meditation)

Interviewer: I don’t understand too much about that subject (yoga and meditation)  that You as a lady are the teacher, not only the teacher, the founder of a yoga–theory. Is this in common in India, that also women do it? I read that You say that it all comes from Mother Nature and therefore are there many women that were teachers in the case You are, or are You in this sense of course a …

Question: So, which God is for the Kundalini?

Question: So, which God is for the Kundalini? Christ is over here (Agnya chakra). Which God is in the Kundalini? In the triangle? (Sahaja Yogi: What is the God or the deity in the triangular bone, the Kundalini? ) Shri Mataji: Kundalini itself. The Kundalini is your own mother. Your individual mother. And She has tape-recorded all your past and your aspirations, everything. And She rises because She wants to give you your second birth, …

Question: When you depart from this body where does the spirit, where do the energy stay?

Question: When you depart from this body, as this lady was asking, where does the spirit, where do the energy stay? Shri Mataji: Spirit – it’s a very long answer, but I would say, Spirit goes according to its desire, alright. Now, supposing there is a drunkard, who dies, now he wants to drink still, even if he’s dead. He will hang in somewhere in the limbo, I think, he will get hold of somebody …

Question: Shri Mataji, would you say a few words about the golden age? The forthcoming golden age?

Question: Shri Mataji, would you say a few words about the golden age? The forthcoming golden age? Shri Mataji: You see, Aquarius, as they say, Aquarius according to our astrology is the Kundalini. The Kundalini is Aquarius according to Indian, I should say, Indian science of Astrology. And, you see, they, what they say that this age of Aquarius is very important, because this will change the lives of people. And that is what they …

Question: Why have the churches not told us about this (Self-Realization)?

Question: Why have the churches not told us about this (Self_Realization)? Shri Mataji: That was not the time Sir. Imagine Christ lived only for three and half years, in the sense that for his spiritual undertakings. He was allowed only for three and half years to live like that. Churches do not know it but even Christ, imagine for four years I was struggling with seven English boys and girls to give them Realisation. He …

Question: Can you please tell us a little more about what we mean by the Spirit and how that is related to our consciousness, and how the two things are linked by Self-realization?

Shri Mataji: It’s a good question. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty within us. It’s said that, He has made human beings in His Own Image. Now we should not get confused with the word image. Image means the reflection. So we reflect God Almighty. We are not God but we reflect. Image is different from the actual thing. So now, when you are, as a human being, then the Spirit is just a …

Question: And what is this technique (Sahaja Yoga Self-Realiszation) about?

Interviewer: And what is this technique (Sahaja Yoga Self-Realiszation) about? Shri Mataji: It’s a very – depending on a person. Now see, we will take your case for example. (Shri Mataji laughing) You are a very busy person, one thing. Interviewer (laughing): How do you know? Shri Mataji: and you are very futuristic Interviewer: Yes. Shri Mataji: and you plan a lot, you think a lot. Such a person we call as a right-sided person. …