Question: Is Gorbachev is a walk-in, which means that is he from some other place which is advanced soul?

Question: Is Gorbachev is a walk-in, which means that is he from some other place which is advanced soul? Shri Mataji: He is a realized soul, no doubt, he is. That’s why it’s working out. He knows me very well. He is a realized soul. That you recognized him, I’m very happy to know that. He is and look at them, how lucky they are to have him there. And, he is a very sensible …

Question: What is the role of thought in the process of Self Realization?

Question: What is the role of thought in the process of Self Realization?Shri Mataji: I’ve already told you that when we think, we think of the future and the past, but at this moment is the thing that’s reality is, the present is the reality, so what happens because of our special type of a brain that we have a prismatic, every time we react to this, to that, to that and all the time …

Question: How do you balance one’s problems?

Question: How do you balance one’s problems? Shri Mataji: Yeah, I’ll tell you now what is the problem is, now if you see it clearly [SHRI MATAJI POINTS TO THE CHAKRA CHART] there are three lines you see them, okay? These are the three channels we have of autonomous nervous system. The two channels the one is the left and another is the right and the central one is the parasympathetic nervous system and these …