Question: What is the place of morality in your system?

Interviewer: What is the place of morality in your system? Shri Mataji: It’s innate. It’s innate. I don’t have to tell you, “Don’t do this, don’t do that,” it’s all innate with you. As soon as you get the light you drop the snakes. That’s all. You don’t have to ask Me, it just works out. The morality part works by itself, it’s innate. You know that this if do I’ll lose my vibrations. It’s …

Question: Is there a difference between the awakening and Self-Realisation?

Question: Is there a difference between the awakening and Self-Realisation? Shri Mataji: Yes. Very good question. There is a difference between awakening and realization, it’s true. It awakens, it passes, you can see with your naked eyes in many people when there is obstruction, you can see. It passes through various chakras, you can see. In some people it is so slow moving, otherwise it takes just split of a second. But if there’s an …

Question: Shri Mataji, you talk about our habits and weakness and how to overcome that.

Question: You talk about our habits and weakness and how to overcome that. Can You talk a little bit more about it? Shri Mataji: See, we are weak because we are ignorant first of all. As I told you, we are holding the snake and there’s darkness and in that darkness we don’t see that this is going to bite us. But, when you become enlightened, you become a very powerful, dynamic person, absolutely. And …

Question…If you look throughout the world, then more wars than ever, more people than ever.

Interviewer: I personally would doubt that human society has ripened, or has improved. If you look throughout the world, then more wars than ever, more people than ever. Shri Mataji: Yes, it is, it has to be, it has to be. It has to be at the worst time when we will be having. It’s written down in the Nala Akhyana. Is there was one fellow called Nala, and his wife was separated by this …

Question: Could you please tell us a little bit more about the left side of the body the feminine side?

Shri Mataji: You want to know everything today only is it? You will know everything all right. But there’s, for God, there is nothing like feminine and masculine. That’s our quarrel. The Power of God is the Feminine. Without the Feminine, God is just a Witness. So it’s like the moon and the moonlight. Do we differentiate between the two? It’s only human error that we differentiate like that. Between God and His Power there’s …

Question: When in collective, the kundalini moves but when is she is alone with you?

Q: When in collective, the kundalini moves but when is she is alone with you? SHRI MATAJI: You should know you are never alone when alone. Absolutely, it’s just, you just enjoy the loneliness also. Sometimes I’m left alone then I’m quite happy also you know. No questions, nothing, no problem. Sometimes I enjoy myself you see. When you know what you are you really enjoy. I have seen people who have never written a …

Question: How do you make the Kundalini stronger?

Question: How do you make the Kundalini stronger? Shri Mataji: Ahh that’s a good question. First you’ll get your Realization, then you go to the collective, and the Kundalini will rise by itself and there are people, Sydney specially is a very good place, for becoming a master of Sahaja Yoga. It’s very good place. So we have already arranged they are very anxious, they’ll do it all free of charge. It’s not like one …

Question: After receiving self-realization who is going to correct the injustice in the world?

Q: Once you get self-realization you know yourself, but who is going to correct the injustice in the world? Who is going to become the leader? Who will change the world where there is injustice, where there is discrimination, where there is hatred? If you are saying forget about the hatred, who is going to come forward? If I become self-realized and then forget the hatred then who’s going to come forward and change the …

Question: Shri Mataji, how did you begin?

Interviewer: How did you begin? Shri Mataji: I was born like this. I was born with the same awareness as we call as a Self Realized Soul. But I knew that I’ve to do some job about it. To give Realization to one person is easy, but to give it to a mass is very difficult. So I had to understand human beings, how I could manage a en-masse Realization. And then I learnt it, …

Question: …on what is called New Age

Interviewer: I am working on an issue on what is called New Age. Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. Now this New Age people, I have read about them, because they came to this place called as Mind and Body Exhibition in London. They invited Me also, but I didn’t go. Because you see that’s also a money-oriented business. And I don’t want to go this mind and thing where there is money business is going …

Question: Which will be the end of all the world or of humankind?

Question: Which will be the end of all the world or of humankind? Shri Mataji: Which will be the end of world? Again, futuristic, very futuristic. Let’s not talk about the end. Just now is the beginning. When the child is born we just don’t think about his death, do we? So better be worried about the beginning of this new world that we have started and don’t think of the death and all those …

Question: What method can you use for a lay person?

Question: What method can you use for a lay person? It’s very difficult to develop this sensitivity. Shri Mataji: You see but that’s what it is in the Kali Yuga, in these modern times only, when we are surrounding by all these things, we get into confusions and illusions and this kind of a subhranth stithi as they call it in Sanskrit language, is very important because in that only we have started seeking. Can …